Monday, October 26, 2009

New stuff happening at the farm!

We are excited to announce that we are adding onto our production operation with a season-extending hoop house. This will allow us to bring you delicious salad mixes and other hardy crops in the cold months of winter. Please follow closely as we will be bringing photos and videos of the progress of the hoop house construction.

We are planning to sell our products this next year at the Bloomington IL Downtown Farmer’s Market.  We are looking forward to the opportunity to meeting you and establishing a relationship with you as your farmer and grower. If we aren’t offering something you would like, we would love to hear from you by either emailing Hans or Dave, or you can look us up at the Downtown Bloomington IL Farmer’s Market.

At Prairierth Farm we are proud to bring you the freshest, best tasting, USDA certified organic vegetables all grown locally on our farm. Be it tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, salad mixes, or culinary herbs; we take pride in what we offer and we guarantee that our quality and wide selection will not be matched

Crop News:

This fall we have planted next year’s Garlic crop consisting of three different varieties:

German White porcelain -- Hardneck. Large, bright white bulbs with 4-8 very large cloves. Easy to peel, Stores very well, and grows very well in cold weather. excellent flavor

Music Porcelain -- Hardneck. Large, bright white bulbs with 4-6 very large cloves. Especially hardy in cold climates. Easy to peel, Stores very well. excellent flavor.

Inchelium Red Garlic - from the Colville Indian Reservation in Inchelium, Washington, this garlic is a large and beautiful softneck artichoke variety. The dense bulb, can have anywhere from 9-20 cloves and an outer bulb wrapper that is thick for the purpose of protecting the bulb. The flavor of the Inchelium Red is softly robust but not so strong as to be overwhelming; the flavor often sharpens in storage.
**Keep your eyes peeled for updates on planting news and as the beginning of spring approaches, more news on when we will harvest. It will be early and we are expecting to be able to provide Carrots, Radishes, and Salad Greens.**

Dave covering the rows of planted garlic